Do You Recognize Them?

When they saw Job from a distance, they scarcely recognized him.”       

Job 2:12 (NIV)

Job, a man of integrity who loved God, would most likely today be diagnosed with depression. His friends were shocked when they saw him, and Scripture tells us they barely recognized him. When a loved one is suffering from depression or another form of mental health condition, at times you may not recognize them by their behavior or appearance.  

The increase of mental health diagnoses and awareness in recent years reveals more families are affected. Our pandemic-changed world has caused mental health problems to burst through our front doors. Due to the stigma, I suspect many do not open up about their struggles.

Mental health providers are more difficult to find because the number of those seeking help is outpacing the “supply” of care providers. The result - more and more people are going untreated, in spite of the fact receiving treatment benefits one’s quality of life and that of the family. 

Families need direction, encouragement, and realization that hope is attainable - full lives are a reality. During the pandemic, the loss of loved ones, job/business, and isolation have caused many to experience PTSD, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. We may not see the full ramifications for years to come. It’s almost impossible to determine how great a need exists due to the stigma many live with, which keeps them from seeking treatment. 

Years ago, I longed for help during the dark times, when mental illness symptoms crashed into our lives and negatively affected our family. Seasons when panic, worry, and my own anxiety would surface. In the beginning of our journey, I was desperate for help and did not know how to cope. My own broken heart, confusion, and the need for comfort led me to the pages of my Bible seeking for hope and wisdom. Because caregivers are crying out for attention, support and resources, I am preparing to publish Discovering Hope in Your Loved One’s Journey with Mental Illness. This Christian Living Bible study teaches and ministers to the caregiver, family member or friend-those desperate for hope. Together we will explore how God’s word can encourage the reader on the importance of helping their loved one seek out and access medical care.  

Just as Job made it through his dark valley, so can YOU!  There is hope for those who are suffering. If you are a caregiver, be encouraged. You can find strength in God’s Word and resources are available – God’s love and guidance -- for you and your loved one.  

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”

Psalm 31:24 

If you know someone needing encouragement, share my website site with them as I would love to connect with others walking a similar path.

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