Eternity in Our Hearts

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.

He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;

yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Early one morning, two decades ago, I entered the kitchen and found water covering half of the floor. Since the source was not obvious, panic set in. In distress, I called for one of our sons to come quickly. From the sound of my voice, he assumed an emergency was taking place. He had a different perspective, an inconvenience, not an emergency. His response, simply put, “Mom, don't panic— it’s a first world problem.” His reaction taught me a valuable lesson that became vital in my daily life. This lesson became more profound once I began traveling to developing countries to aid missionaries dedicating their lives to serving others.

If I am honest, most of my problems are temporary, with a solution available. Could you say the same? While our difficulties may feel overwhelming, create inconveniences, and even unexpected expenses and heartache, it's important to remember they are temporary. Our problems will not last forever, and our first world problems, to many who live in developing countries, seem flat out— petty! 

Can we find a better approach to avoid letting everyday problems get the best of us? Personally, I sometimes struggle with sweating the small stuff.  The answer is intangible– not something we can see or touch– yet rather simple: set our hearts in eternal life more than the temporary one here on earth.  By anchoring our hearts in the teachings of Jesus, we can align our thoughts, desires, and decisions with eternity in mind.  The Bible is full of references about heaven, and here are some ways we can cultivate them into our daily lives:

*Let’s be intentional to trust more that which doesn't waste away: FAITH, HOPE, LOVE

*Explore one of my favorite reads based upon what Scripture teaches about heaven:  Randy Alcorn's book “Heaven.” 

*The next time we feel a problem getting the best of us; remember it’s most likely a first world problem

*Memorize a meaningful scripture. For me, it is Revelation 21:4 

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, 

and there will be no more death or sorrow or sorrow or pain. 

All these things are gone forever.”

Some challenges we face are extremely difficult, pushing us to our limits. Peace during such times is not the absence of hardship, but the deep assurance that God is with us and for us.  For me, the deeper I draw unto God during trials, the greater peace I experience. Often, it's a supernatural peace not from the solution of my circumstances, but from being rooted in God’s love.

Dear Lord,

You have placed eternity in our hearts (Ecc 3:11.) Therefore, help us to live each day with that planted in our hearts. Help us to cling to the hope of eternal life. (Hebrews 10:23), which we obtain by trusting Jesus as our savior. Since we are Your children, nothing can separate us from Your love. (Romans 8:38-39) Help us to turn to You when problems arise. We admit we desperately need Your assurance of the greater eternal life to come. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

How do you keep your focus on god’s kingdom?

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