God Used Refreshments for Ravi Zacharias

“When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread.”John 21:9 (ESV)

I learned of Ravi’s story of attempted suicide while I was doing a google search prompted by his recent passing.  Initially I was shocked to learn this.  His life story, so moving and his accomplishments many,  makes this detail seem minor and even fade in the backdrop of his faith walk.  For me, it is so profound and a strong reminder that nothing and no one is beyond God’s redemption.  God can  use anything --- even refreshments ---  as the means to call his people to service.  

Ravi will be remembered as one of the greatest Bible teachers of our time.   He was used by God in amazing ways to reach many with the gospel and mentor many in their walk with the Lord.  

To think such an accomplished Bible teacher, apologist, evangelist and speaker attempted suicide many years ago is mind boggling for me.  Ravi was unsure  if he suffered any psychological illness, he shared that none was diagnosed.   He was filled was such a deep  hopelesness, he believed he had no reason to live and attempted suicide.  God had other plans for his life.     

Ravi’s sister had invited him to attend a Youth For Christ gathering. The only thing that motivated him to go was the fact that refreshments were being served, so he agreed to go along. This event  changed Ravi’s  life:  he accepted Christ at that gathering, yet a few months later he attempted suicide.     

One of my favorite stories of Jesus is in John 21 when  He prepared breakfast by the sea for his disciples.  Jesus may have used the meal as an invitation to call  Peter into a life of service and care for his people and the church.   One thing for certain, this important step in the life of Peter was made with a meal in the storyline.  

Despite where we find ourselves, even in the midst of mental illness or severe depression, God can use his people in extraordinary ways.  A beautiful example is expressed  every day in the life of my husband, Jay.   God called him  -- in spite of his anxiety and years-long depression --  to begin and provide for an amazing orphan care ministry, the Saving Susan Ministry.  This kingdom work reaches orphan children in  unique ways and has impacted so many involved people in this work.  

It always causes me to smile to see the ordinary ways  God reaches his people for an extraordinary life. In Ravi’s case he used refreshments and in Jay’s life he used a mission trip where he met a special young orphan girl in Cambodia. 

Jesus is referred to the bread of life in the Bible.  When we spend time in the Bible and in prayer seeking God for guidance and purpose we find ourselves refreshed.  For me there is no better place than God’s word to find strength and  become replenished when the challenges of this world are depleting.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” 
Psalms 119:105 (KJV) 

Click here for Ravi’s story

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As it turned out the weather brightened up, temps rose and we enjoyed  the golf game. Let's keep an open perspective and set our minds on the Lord and allow Him to be a valuable part living with mental illness.   
