What's Inside of Your Tattered Life?

“Though we experience every king of pressure, we are not crushed.  

At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option.  

We are persecuted by others, but God has not forsaken us.  

We may be knocked down, but not out.”    

                                                                                 2 Corinthians 4:10 (The Passion Translation)

Do you have seasons in life where you feel and even look tattered? Circumstances, caregiving and disappointments can leave us a bit shabby and worn-out. 

Tattered Bible.jpg

Picking up a small Bible that had been tucked away,  I wondered,  why is this thing so tattered?  Then the memories came flooding back. That period of time was filled with car-pooling three boys to and from activities and practices. That was my “mom-taxi” season and I kept this particular Bible in my car door pocket, pulling it out while waiting in car lines or between pick-ups.  

The pages inside still contained the full word of God, the truths still legible. As I flipped through the pages recently I was reminded of God’s faithfulness. Life's experiences may leave us a bit tattered and ragged just like this little Bible -- but still intact. 

Lamentations 3:22-23 gives us a wonderful promise from our Father in heaven...

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, 

for his compassions never fail.  

They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

Even as I needed to pause and remember what caused the condition of this Bible, the same holds true for our struggles and trials. After some time, the cause or reason of those circumstances fade and we can clearly see God’s faithfulness.  

Be encouraged, God’s mercy and faithfulness will hold us and one day all of the tattered edges will be made new.  Stand strong, draw near to God, and when circumstances leave you not knowing what to do just PRAY THROUGH and do the next right thing. 

You are loved by the very ONE who oversees the universe.  

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