When The Lord Speaks

“Is it your wisdom that makes the hawk soar and spread its winds toward the south?  Is it at your command that the eagle rises to the heights to make its nest?”  

 Job 39: 26-27 NLT

Do you love to read a good drama?  One filled with suspense, intriguing characters, a plot that keeps your attention and where the drama continues. Does digging into the book of Job appeal to you?  To read about all the loss and depth of suffering he endured probably isn’t high on your list, right?  I can't imagine what he endured. Look through the lens of empathy while reading these chapters and your spirit will surely become discouraged for him. But the plot turns as you come upon chapters 38-41. A powerful perspective change takes place. These words can be so comforting and just the perfect medicine for my soul when circumstances get discouraging.  

Turning to these well worn pages of my Bible allows me to shift my perspective when I don’t have the answers or--even harder --when I have what I think is the answer, but cannot get another to see what I see.  If your family member or a  friend struggles with mental illness this can occur more often than we welcome.  

Job was at a loss: he longed for fellowship with God. “I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I look to the south, but he is concealed.” (Job 23:1-9 NLT)  His closest friends were of no help and when it all seemed hopeless, God showed up and spoke to Job, asking a series of questions  that Job could not even begin to answer.  The questions God places before Job are many.  I have read these chapters so many times  but will never tire of the words God speaks. EVERY TIME I am humbled and amazed by God.  EVERY TIME I am awestruck by all that is at the command of God in the world around us. EVERY TIME I recognize God's power and sovereignty.  

I don’t know what heartache you may be living with and I am sorry if you don't have the answer. Perhaps the person your heartache is anchored  to cannot see an answer you may have. What I do know is that God is sovereign; when we take our trials to HIM he does hear us and He is for us.  I encourage you to spend a few minutes and read chapters 38-41.  Will you ponder the magnitude of who God is and all that is under His control? 

I am constantly reminded of the greatness of God when I gaze at what He created and orchestrates in  nature.  Looking at a crane in a Florida pond recently, sunning near an alligator with  several turtles nearby, I was amazed.  I would never have imagined these creatures posing for a photo shoot, nor can I imagine knowing the answers to the questions God asks Job at the end of this story.  Just peeking at  nature all around us assures us of God’s sovereignty and its covering over our lives.   I pray you are able to rest in that. 

“Dear Lord, There are times when we don’t have the answers or 

lack understanding and we need to hear from You.  

We ask boldly for You to speak in a way that we know the difference 

from You and what the world or others speak into our lives.  

Help us to trust in Your sovereignty.  Thank You for that supreme sovereignty.   AMEN”