Will You Trust His Perfect Timing

For there is  a time and a way for everything,

 Although man’s trouble lies heavy on him.

 Ecclesiastes 8:6 (ESV)

Surprisingly the first backup camera was used in 1956 on a Buick concept car and it wasn't until 2014 the US Department of Transportation announced the camera requirement for new cars.  This technology made it easier for drivers to have  wider views and see rear images clearly, which assisted drivers maneuvering their cars in a safer manner. 

As in life, clarity often comes when looking back through the rear-view camera or mirror.  Living with a  mental health diagnosis and looking into the rear-view mirror can leave one asking “if only if I had known then what I know now.”  How much safer or easier would maneuvering life’s road have been?  Would it have been easier to avoid  obstacles or mishaps?  I am convinced had we had proper, more timely diagnosis and available treatments it would have made life easier.  

God made it very clear  to me several years ago that His timing is always perfect and my view is limited.  I have learned that trusting His timing is best and Proverbs 16:9 gives me great assurance - - “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”  (NLT).  

Just this week I came across a unique wilderness therapy program with a  4-day preventative program designed to help transition teens into adulthood.  This would have been a great tool as we were dealing with some family challenges during this time in our boys’ lives.   I  caught myself traveling down a familiar road and asking why “why wasn't this available back then for us?”  I quickly  stopped myself from getting lost in that rear view.  

Everyone would agree it is next to impossible to drive a car while our eyes are fixed  on your rear-view camera.  Instead we keep our eyes on the road ahead of us.  In life  that is how we learn to look to the Lord, trust He hears us and is working on our behalf.   Sometimes I have to remind myself God has heard every prayer I was praying and His plans are better than mine.

But as for me, I will look to the Lord; 

I will wait for the God of my salvation; 

My God will hear me.  Micah 7:7 (ESV) 

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