Apart From the Lord

I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord: apart from you I have no good thing.” 

Psalm 16:2 (NIV)

It has been two weeks since I returned from the mission field, a place where my relationship with God is always heightened and I can honestly say is the center of each day.  Several days after returning I realized the busyness of re-entry from the mission field had minimized the amount of time I was spending quietly before God. How I missed the authenticity of that time. 

David acknowledged the value of being unified with God.  Separated from God David states he had nothing good!  This is intensely relevant for each of us, especially in our trials, service or in loving others.  If our characteristics do not line up with our Heavenly Father’s we will be of no good to Him or others.  We build those characteristics by spending time alone with our Father. 

Jesus, always aware of His need for the Father, recognized being connected and in step with God was not only good but necessary.  Jesus gave that priority in His life and we are wise to follow that example. 

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, 

Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, 

where he prayed.” - Mark 1:35 (NIV) 

Since Jesus, David and many before us recognized being separated from God will result in nothing good -- let us allow that to sink deep in our hearts.  Let us strive to keep our relationship with God growing and in front of us.  

Dear Father God, 

We are so very grateful that you desire a relationship with us.  We recognize how good that is for us and those we love.  Without You we have nothing good and with you we find peace, purpose, joy and strength.  Show us more of You each day by opening our eyes to see You around us.  Show us the wonder and awe of your great love for us and our loved ones.  Amen.

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