Removing The Stigma

“You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, so live your life as children of light.”               

Ephesians 5:8 (Common English Bible) 

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” 

- Glenn Close,

Mental illness has to be one of the most stigmatized issues of our society and adversely affects the entire family. The impact of breaking down people’s negative beliefs aids anyone touched by mental illness either personally or that of a family member.  Courage, not Fear - Acceptance not Shame -  Community not Isolation is desperately needed and stigma stands in the way.  

9 Ways to Fight Mental Health Stigma

1-Talk Openly About Mental Health

2-Educate Yourself and Others

3-Be Conscious of Language

4-Encourage Equality Between Physical and Mental Illness

5-Show Compassion for Those with Mental Illness

6-Choose Empowerment Over Shame

7-Be Honest About Treatment

8-Let Media Know When They Stigmatize

9-Don’t Harbor Self-Stigma

Http:// > October-2017

God’s own word instructs us to be an encouragement to one another, although how can we receive encouragement when we are not willing to share our story with one another? How can we feel safe sharing with the current perspectives of others? We will look at examples in the Bible and study how, as believers we can rip down the wall we have built.  

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

I plead for the Church to recognize its role in aiding  families by removing the tainted view and shame surrounding mental illness. The Church needs to be active in tearing down stigma and help families discover hope despite the darkness created by mental illness. To shine light on this topic we will challenge the “out of date belief” among Christians that mental illness is a failure, a lack of faith or prayer. It’s time the entire church body, not just a few Christians, wake up and start helping families achieve fuller lives following Jesus.

I am writing this because our family lives with a mental health diagnosis and I will be publishing a Christian Living Book and Bible Study in 2022.  By sharing this you will take a step to reduce the stigma. 

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