“It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, 

refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.” Hebrews 11; 24 (NIV) 

My family has muddled through 2 1/2 decades of mental illness. We have muddled through varying  diagnoses, treatments, setbacks, fear, misunderstandings, hospitalizations, hiding behind stigma, many ups and downs. But through it all I have held on to my faith, a faith that grows stronger each year. God’s faithfulness has sustained me and today I can see His unending love and care for my family.

Through a different circumstance, again I find myself clinging to God through my faith. As I am grieving the loss of my mom last month, some unexpected and unusual circumstances have become part of that grief story. Things have come to light I cannot understand and there is nothing I can do to change the past. I am certain of one thing: it is by faith that I will get through this season. It is by faith I will praise God during this season and by faith I will once again trust His faithfulness. It is by faith I will surrender to God the circumstances that only He can redeem and restore.  

Faith allows us to look beyond what the world says, and keep our eyes focused on the eternal promises of our heavenly Father. Whatever your struggle may be – grief, unmet needs of a loved one, financial disaster, infertility, a prodigal or even lack of hope for your future, I want to encourage you to cling to your faith. The way to cling may sound simple but it takes intentionality to spend time reading and studying God's word, asking God for revelation in your circumstances, seeking wisdom of someone you trust and value, making healthy lifestyle choices and taking care of yourself.  

Right now  I am praying for each one of you and some of you by name.  Maybe today is the day you choose to live by faith and ask someone to pray with you.  

Dear Lord, I pray for each one reading this today. May they realize they will be blessed by clinging to You through faith. Reveal Yourself to those whose faith needs to be strengthened or may have no hope. Open their eyes to see the ways you love and care for them. I ask for Your  Spirit of perseverance and encouragement to fill their hearts. May they sense Your holy presence.   We trust You not only hear our prayers but are at work behind the scenes for our good and Your glory.  In the powerful name of Jesus Christ Amen.  

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