Fear Not, Instead Trust

For I am the Lord, your God, 

who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, 

Do not fear; I will help you. 

Isaiah 41:12 (NIV)

For many, fear fills a portion of your thoughts on a daily basis. The world around provides reason to fear: concern for loved ones, financial burdens, professional demands. Even the very thing God may be leading us to do or to give up may cause fear. It is a powerful emotion, one instinctual and natural. It can be a warning to protect us but it can also creep in and lead us down a path of unhealthy worry. What are you fearing today? 

Many sources note  365 references in the Bible which tells us  “fear not” - that is one for every day! Isn't that so like God to orchestrate one for everyday? God’s word is relevant. The very instructions He sent the Israelites throughout the book of Isaiah applies to our lives. In Isaiah chapter 41, we read more than once be not fearful because God is our Lord and He is with us. This chapter was written for the Israelites who were in captivity. Captivity, that it is a fearful situation. Today reading Isaiah reminds us, the Lord is our helper. In verse 9 God spoke through Isaiah and said “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant. I have chosen you and not rejected you.’” 

I believe God wants to help us through the Holy Spirit, who is always waiting for us to trust Him.  Sometimes we need to battle fear and sometimes that battle can be intense. When we place our trust in the One who orders the sun to rise everyday we can have victory in the battle against unhealthy fear. 

If today you are fearful of what lies ahead or because you don't have answers I want to encourage you to turn to the Lord and place your trust in Him. Turn to Him by reading the entire chapter of Isaiah 41, write out the verse or verses that speak to you and place it where you will see it over the next few days. 

A prayer for you today-

Dear Father God, you love us so much more than we realize or acknowledge and we are grateful that You are always with us.  Even though we may have reason to fear, You call us to trust in You instead of allowing fear to take up room in our heart. The very thought of You holding our hand can give comfort and strength. Your Words are comforting and are enough for us to place our trust in You. Your faithfulness reaches back to the beginning of days and gives us reason to trust You. I pray for the one reading this today who is battling fear and I ask that You would send Your spirit of encouragement and make a way for Your presence to be seen or felt. In the holy name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.  

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