Can We Be Spontaneous?

We make our own plans,

but the LORD decides where we will go. 

Proverbs 16:9 (Contemporary English Version)

I prefer plans, order, and enjoy surprises only when I am ready for them. Yet, I often fill my calendar and have little margin to live spontaneously.

Today I was all set to golf in a charity tournament at a wonderful course in north Georgia. Yesterday I mapped out the driving directions so I could arrive early and hit the driving range.  I was looking forward to playing with my new golf clubs that were packed in the car ready to go. I skipped my protein shake this morning as breakfast would be provided before the tournament started. Rain was predicted, but we were set to play after all a little rain would be okay.  

Instead, I woke to downpouring rain, a stormy forecast for the entire day. I unexpectedly had a day completely unplanned and several ideas quickly filled my mind for how I could spend my day. I began to shift the plans for my day and that was when I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit - “ask Jay if he would like you to accompany him to his meetings in Greenville.”  I hesitated because it is so rare to have a free day and if he said yes I would need to pack quickly, not a strength of mine.  But I knew God was nudging me to ask him. Jay said yes, and off I was for a day filled with spontaneity. I immediately knew my day was being planned by God as Proverbs 16:9 and Proverbs 3:5-6 came to mind. I uttered a quick prayer and sought God’s assurance for my decision.  

When life is interrupted by a crisis or sickness, can we quickly anchor our heart to trusting that God is in control? Sometimes it takes faith and humility to stand firm on the truth in God’s word and trust him without the need to have understanding. 

When mental illness first entered our family we had many life interruptions. I confess the illness and interruptions were not welcomed and I often did not respond well.  There were times when I tried to push those interruptions right out our front door. Over time, as I leaned deeper into my prayer life I started to slowly recognize the truth of His sovereignty and could learn to set my plans aside to follow how God was leading us. 

How easy is it for you to trust in God’s plans when life is interrupted? Trusting the Lord when interruptions come our way takes intentionality and practice. Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit will be with us forever in John 14:15-17. 

Draw Near to God 

Spend Time In Prayer

Meditate on Bible verses that bring comfort 

Let go and let God lead 

If you know someone needing encouragement, share my website site with them as I would love to connect with others walking a similar path.

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