Cling and Pray Thru

So then, we must cling in faith to all we know to be true.  For we have a magnificent King-Priest, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who rose into the heavenly realm for us, and now sympathizes with us in our frailty. 

        Hebrews 4:14 (The Passion Translation)

When a loved one lives with biological mental illness, health challenges resurface unexpectedly, and a variety of feelings can flood in and threaten to take over. For example: fear -- will everything be ok this time, annoyance, this is a bad time for this, anxiety-what if... and if we are not intentional gloom and bewilderment can take up residency in our hearts.   

Praying through difficult times takes intentionality, honesty with our situation and with ourselves.  It takes remembering who Jesus is and how close he is to us during difficult inconvenient times.  

Remembering that Jesus is our high priest who is able to sympathize with us when we are suffering is so encouraging and gives us sustaining power if we choose to keep our focus on HIM and not our circumstances.  The ESV version of Hebrews 4:15-16 says “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” 

Friend, I believe Jesus knows our pain and that of our loved ones because when I cling to Jesus and the Word of God, through prayer, I receive a blessing of mercy and grace. Comfort and love abound when I choose to cling to Jesus instead of clinging to the difficulty we may be facing.  Be encouraged and with intentionality cling to Jesus, He is waiting for us and the depth of His love for us is beyond what we see. 

Prayer, my lifeline, my JOY.  

Where I seek and find the Lord.  

There is no greater joy than knowing 

He is with me in suffering, ready to comfort and help.  

If you know someone needing encouragement, share my website site with them as I would love to connect with others walking a similar path.

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