A Worthwhile Destination

Jesus said, “Breakfast is ready.” John 21:12a (MSG)

Sometimes we don’t get what we deserve; instead, we become the recipients of another’s kindness. I am reminded of this beautiful truth when the year before we built our mountain home, our sweet family dog Maggie’s life came to an end. Because my schedule was  flexible during the early week in March, I volunteered to bury her at our new property.  I chose what I thought was a perfect spot. I dug for what felt like hours to keep her remains safe from mountain critters. After carefully placing some rocks and a marker, I was completely worn out and second guessing why I had volunteered for this job.

Several weeks later, excited to visit our lot and begin dreaming of building, we noticed our neighbors had staked out their soon-to-build home and property line.  To my shock, their property line did an unexpected hard right turn at the back of our property. Unbelievably, our beloved Maggie ended up a resident on our neighbors’ property!  Talk about an unexpected houseguest; I was mortified and now had to introduce the Arntzen family by way of explanation.  After learning our soon-to-be neighbor was an attorney, the phrase “punitive damages” filled thoughts of my future. I was in for a surprise though, since our attorney neighbor turned out to be the kindest gentleman. (To this day, I still think he doesn’t fit the bill of “attorney.” No offense to my law practicing friends!)  The attorney and his lovely wife insisted we let Maggie rest in peace right where she lay, and they even thanked me for the sweet rain gauge I used as a grave marker.  

This story has brought our families many laughs and reminds me of how Jesus responded to the disciples in the story found in John 21.  The disciples showed signs of disappointment by the apparent outcome of Jesus’ return. I suspect they all wanted Him to establish Himself as ruler and king, stripping the Roman government of its power, and putting all the Jewish religious leaders in prison. I interpret their actions  of  “let’s go fishing” (John 21:3) as a bit of a pity party. Instead of Jesus correcting them, He blessed them with a fishing miracle and then served them breakfast on the beach. (John 21:6-14). 

This is one of my favorite stories in all of Scripture because I can relate to these disciples and their actions after their disappointment. So often, God treats me the same way: providing nourishment when life hands me disappointment. It may take a bit, however when I come to Him, as the disciples did in John 21, God often treats me the same as Jesus did.  I often forget God’s faithfulness and promises, just going about my business as usual.

I am so grateful Jesus fed the disciples because it reminds me that He cares for us when we are discouraged. Let’s remember His faithfulness through the ages and God's goodness when life is challenging. I hope you will take the time to read this story found in the 21st chapter of John and reflect on times when God has nourished you.   

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this beautiful reminder of Your great  care for us when we are disappointed or life doesn't turn out how we may desire.  Like Peter, who jumped out of the boat to come to you, may the Holy Spirit prompt us to come to you during times when we need to be nourished and fed by you. I am grateful for the many times you have been waiting for me on the shore when I have “gone off fishing”.  I love you and thank you! 

In Jesus’s name, Amen.



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