What Do Kudzu and Character Flaws Have in Common?
“Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has he not spoken through us also? And the Lord heard it.” Numbers 12:2
I wasn’t sure when I first noticed it-or how it began to grow: Jealousy. I recognized its negative effects on my relationships. This toxic trait reminds me of the kudzu infestation in Georgia, where it grows wildly. Highly invasive, its relentless nature is taking over, smothering and choking out beautiful plants and trees. Jealousy is very similar. We often associate jealousy with romantic relationships; however, it can also impact many other areas of our lives.
Recognizing that jealousy or other negative traits often stem from insecurity and inadequacy, many years ago I began a journey addressing these negative emotions, dealing with issues from my younger life. I recall one day when God gently guided me through a season to rid this ugly part of my character. Similar to eliminating kudzu, it was not a pretty endeavor! Weeding my own garden took intentionality, self-awareness, and hard work. I started to unravel the complex emotions at the root of it, turning to God and seeking out wise counsel. Looking back now, I can see how ridiculous the emotion of jealousy was as it showed its ugliness when kindness towards my husband would cause suspicion within me or being overlooked would stir up resentment and envy. None of this nurtured the beauty I desired inside my heart, and I asked God to help me rid these emotions and replace them with love and grace.
Then one day, it was gone! As I came to understand just how deeply God values me, I realized this negative trait no longer lived within my heart. This has been such a blessing in my life, bringing deep, lasting peace. In a world where so many things vie to steal our peace, I appreciate eliminating this nasty invasion from my life. Friend, is there an area in your heart that steals your peace, or some trait that you despise?
The Bible makes it clear God disapproves of our character flaws, which often cause us to stumble and sin. This is because His holiness knows it keeps us from pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. His word also tells us that He helps us overcome these flaws. Here are a few of my favorite verses affirming that God is available to help us - Psalm 54:4, Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 121:1-5, Isaiah 50:7.
The story found in Numbers chapter 12 tells us Miriam and Aaron criticized Moses because they were jealous. God responded harshly to that jealousy because He wants us to rid ourselves of anything that falls short of His best desire for us. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize areas of our character that are not pleasing to the Lord; if we will humble ourselves and ask Him to show us, He will. I have found Him to do so with great love and kindness. If you are brave enough, you could ask a safe, trusted person for some feedback; “What area of my heart do you see any flaws, or where do you think I could focus to become more Christ-like?” That would be a courageous question, but one that could set you on a beautiful path, eliminating any peace robbing infestation like kudzu.
Would you pray this with me?
Dear Lord,
Thank you that you love us so much that you desire our hearts to be pure. We know You that seeking You always benefits us. Would you help us to become new and throw off the things that entangle us. We do not want to be more like the world but by the renewing of our minds we want to be more like Jesus. Help us to draw near to you. (2 Cor 5:17, Romans 12:2, James 4:7)
If this has caused you to reflect on how God has helped “prune your heart,” I would love to hear from you.