God's Glory on Display
“And he said, “Please show me Your glory.” Exodus 33:18 (NKJV)
Having returned from a Guatemala mission with 21 exceptional individuals a few days ago, I am completely in awe! Our diverse group, from many walks of life, age demographics, and church backgrounds will remain in my heart as one of the most unified teams I have been privileged to lead. Before we left, I sensed this was a special group and wondered how we would see God move and reveal Himself. Before leaving, I prayed for the Lord to allow me to see Him at work, through awe-inspiring moments that would grow my faith.
Our missions are usually intense, but this one brought a new definition to intensity. Let me begin by saying it was all worth it! The time we spent serving others was a blessing, with beautiful memories made each day. However, we encountered many challenges in our travels.
The normally 3-hour flight turned into 9, then grew to a full 24 hours. A 5-hour bus ride dragged into 10 hours, and by the return home, illness struck almost every team member. We slept in different beds every two days. By the time Sunday (our last day in-country) came, we sensed the team was worn down and made a quick decision to hold church at the hotel, instead of facing another bus ride. We rented a small conference room at our hotel, asked Pastor Wesley to prepare a sermon. On short notice, team member Kaylen prepared a worship set, and several of our Guatemalan college kids shared their testimonies. While our team and a few Guatemalan friends were tucked away in a quiet conference room in the middle of the big city, God’s glory was manifested in extravagant ways. The 2-hour service wrapped up with Pastor Andrew’s moving call of rededication or 1st time commitment to Jesus Christ. It was so sacred, yet so unexpected in many ways.
This experience draws me to the story in Exodus chapter 33. As God told Moses to take the Israelites out of Sinai, He promised Moses His presence and said, “for you have found grace in my sight, and I know you by name.” (verse 17b). Moses then asked, “Please, show me Your glory.”.
I think Moses asked to see God’s glory because he wanted assurance that God was with him as they rebuilt the tabernacle. He wanted to witness God's supreme majesty again-the pure beauty of it. Our need for God’s presence lingers, just like Moses’, even after experiencing it.
Despite witnessing miracle after miracle as God freed the Israelites from the Egyptians, Moses still cried out to see God’s glory, and God allowed it again. Last Sunday, He orchestrated a beautiful display of who He is with a powerful sermon, shared testimonies that deeply moved our hearts, and a holy time for our small group’s sacred worship of our God. Like Moses thousands of years ago, this was a privilege for us. We truly felt the intimate presence of God. One team member stated “the Lord may be invisible, but He is not intangible!” Oh so true.
Friends, do you see how good God is to us? Just as he promised Moses, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (verse 14) as Moses asked for God's grace, that promise is for each of us today. As our weary team went to worship, God gave us rest in His presence. All we need to do is ask and seek Him, humbly and with reverence.
Would you pray this with me?
Dear Lord,
thank you for the many times and unique ways you have orchestrated life's circumstances that can only be of Your doing. So often, it is for our good and for Your glory. May You be glorified. Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless Your holy name. Amen.” (Psalm 103:1-5)
If this reminds you of a time when God’s glory provided comfort and repose, I would love to hear from you!