Trusting through Times of Sorrow

“Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”    

Psalm 30:5 (ESV)

Some of my close friends are in seasons of intense hardship, walking through devastating losses, grief, and serious illness. You don’t have to look far to see suffering; perhaps it is in this season of your own life. During such times, hope may fade (or disappear altogether,) and this can take a toll financially, emotionally and spiritually.

The loss of my mother was surrounded by especially difficult circumstances, and honestly, some moments were crushing and very lonely. The only way I survived the unexpected betrayal surrounding this time was to spend time seeking and crying out to God. The scenario was more horrible than I could ever have imagined, but what I found was incredible comfort and assurance in God's love. The weeping ceased, and the weight of it began to dissipate the more I looked to God.

Scripture teaches us that Jesus, even as the son of God, suffered in many ways as we do today. Isaiah 53:3 identified the Messiah as “a man of sorrows.” He experienced hardship not only at the cross, but throughout His ministry life. He dealt with intense physical and emotional pain and was familiar with spiritual agony. I imagine the most difficult thing was separation from His heavenly Father. (Mark 15:34). Rejection by the religious leaders and even His own family, betrayal by one of His closest, and the loneliness he felt would have devastated many of us. However, Jesus knew He was never alone and remembered the depth of God’s love. It must have been excruciating, and maybe you have felt similarly when trials have entered your life. Scripture tells us Jesus often got away from people to be alone with God. To take a closer look at how Jesus responded, spend some time reflecting on the following scriptures: Mark 1:12, Matthew 14:9-13, Mark 14:32-36.

Turning to God while weeping, through both prayer and the Bible, can bring peace, direction, and a path to experience His great love for us. If you are in a time of deep struggle, where answers may not be clear or relief is nowhere in sight, these steps have the power to transform our minds, strengthen us, and hopefully minister to the hurting places in our hearts:

Keep seeking God, this displays for others where our strength comes from - God almighty

Look for where God is at work and recognize His goodness everyday. 

Trust in the comfort and courage that is available in the Bible–we need to read it to see it. 

Remember earthly security is uncertain, but God is always faithful.

Would you pray this with me?

Dear Father,

You are a good, good Father in this world of turmoil and trouble. Pour Your Holy Spirit into our lives, especially when we are hurting or walking through a painful season. Give us eyes to see You at work in our lives everyday. Even Jesus wept; therefore, give us assurance that you catch every tear we shed. Help us to recognize Your great love, and help us trust You, the maker of heaven and earth. Jesus, thank you for showing us the value of  keeping in relationship, by spending time with our Heavenly Father, especially during  times of deep distress. May we know the love of God, who rules heaven and earth and has a permanent home waiting for us.  -AMEN”

(Psalm 107:1, Proverbs 20:10, John 11:35, Psalm 121:2, John 17:21, John 3:16)

If this devotion has provided some comfort in your sorrows, I would love to hear from you!