May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May I speak with gracious words that are sweet to the soul and healing to the bones…  Proverbs 16:24

Did you know May was declared Mental Health Awareness month in 1949? This surprises me since, after 70 years there is still great stigma.  Breast Cancer Awareness month is 37 years old and I am grateful the pink ribbon is recognized by everyone.  So I ask you today to help spread awareness by sharing this with a friend who may not have mental illness as part of their story or share this on your social media. 

Here are just a few Mental Health Awareness Facts:

The Ribbon is Green

MG Awareness.jpg

Nearly 1 in 5 American adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year 

42.5 million US Adults suffer with Anxiety Disorders 


A few prayers written by April Yamasaki found on 

Tender God, Your gentle and kind-hearted love waits for us in the darkness and shields us from the light when it feels too overwhelming. We remember today all those who live in the depths of depression. Continue to cherish us all when we find it so difficult to cherish ourselves.

Comfort and relieve those who are troubled in mind and spirit.

Bring them hope, peace and the consolation of a loving community.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Grant patience and courage to the families and friends of those who are ill.

Increase their perseverance as they face challenges to recovery for their loved one.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Protect and defend those living with mental illness from exploitation, addictions and abuse.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Take a step - spread awareness, make a statement or tell someone you know who suffers from mental illness that you love them and then share some great qualities about them.  Ask someone what you can do to help, even those who have a family member who suffers.  May your words and actions be kind.

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