Who Will You Pray For?

“you also joining in helping us through your prayers,

so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf 

for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.”

2 Corinthians 1:11 (NASB) 

Can you name a person you are certain prayed over your life when you were a young child?  

I have always loved to hear redemption stories from believers who are certain it was the prayers of their granny or mother that led them to the Lord.  There is a sweetness each time someone shares that powerful result of a love backed up with prayer. 

This morning I stumbled upon a card given to me as a young child from Sister Mary Helene, whom I barely remember.  The card contained a  simple illustration of baby Jesus and his mother.  It was tucked away in a devotional book I have probably not opened in at least 10 years.  The  handwritten note on the back contained this prayer “May the Christ Child shower you with many blessings.” Reading this, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for Sister Mary Helene as I pondered her interceding to God on my behalf.  I wonder about that prayer and believe God answered it  in my life as I am able to recognize many spiritual blessings.  Aren’t those the best blessing of all?  

Intercessory prayer is very powerful. God hears every prayer we utter and we can trust He is faithful to answer our prayers.  As I prayed this morning  for the little ones in my life,  I ask you to join me.  Think about the young ones you know and pray on their behalf.  Ask the Lord to give them many blessings and anoint their lives with a Christ honoring purpose.   Commit to pray for them by name over the next several days.  Our world needs these young ones to grow in faith , live a life honoring God  and spread the love of Jesus.  

The spiritual blessings I have are countless and I am grateful for that prayer many years ago of Sister Mary Helene.   

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