
For the sake of your reputation, Lord, do not abandon us.

Do not disgrace your own glorious throne. Please remember us, and do not break your covenant with us. 

Jeremiah 14:21 (NLT)

We see the prophet Jeremiah was often overwhelmed and frustrated by the climate of the times he lived in. Society was deteriorating, troubles were many, war, idolatry and sin were all around him. Sounds very similar to the time we are living in today. 

God appointed Jeremiah a prophet and gave him a message to speak, however his audience was not interested. He must have often felt very alone and isolated. I wonder if some pastors today can relate to this.  Yet Jeremiah developed endurance, wept for God's people and continued in God's calling for his life. 

Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the prayer needs that come my way and a few weeks ago was one of those times. There were so many needs, really big needs, I was being asked to pray for and it was overwhelming.  I felt like I could not keep up with praying over the needs at the rate they were coming in.  

During times like this I need to keep my view and understanding of God in His perspective.  He is mighty, He loves His people, He is always ready to listen to and answer our prayers.  

During times like this it helps to spend time weeping for God’s people, pouring out my heart and letting all the sadness I feel for others be handed over to God. I have a way of coming alone before God and “dumping” it all on Him. He runs the universe so I trust He can handle my dumping.  

During times like this I focus on God’s abilities, not what I can or need to fix. I have, for as far back as I can recall, lived with the need or desire to fix the problems of others. This is not a good trait and often gets in the way of others.  

The prophet Jeremiah knew the feeling of being overwhelmed and this prayer of his is found in the fifteenth chapter of his book.  It is one that helps me when I may be overwhelmed.  

“Lord, you know what's happening to me. Please step in and help me. (16) When I discovered your words, I devoured them.

They are my joy and my heart’s delight. For I bear your name, O Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”   Jeremiah 15:15a-16 (NLT)

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