Relinquishing to God’s Authority

“Going a little farther, He fell with His face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me.  Yes not as I will, but as You will.’ “ Matthew 26:39 (NIV)

Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane after sharing a meal,  the Last Supper, with his disciples, his closest friends. During this meal he spoke of the betrayal and denial he would experience by his friends.   Jesus knew the crucifixion was near.  

How lonely do you think Jesus was at this time in his ministry?  Do you think he was discouraged when praying alone in the Garden? Verse 38 says Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow.  

Life’s circumstances can be very difficult especially when things are spiraling downward and out of our control.  Anyone who knows me even a little knows I do well at influencing outcomes. This comes naturally and is often well thought out and even prayed over.  My perspective sees there is always a right way and let’s do that. Well, reality is that the right way doesn't always play out in what's best for my loved ones or myself.  

It doesn't seem right that Jesus' closest friends would fall asleep when he asked them to pray or that one of his disciples would be the very one to betray Him by handing Him over to the authorities who want to kill him.  From my perspective it definitely doesn't seem right that He would be put to death for my sins! But this was God’s plan. (Isaiah 53:5) During this time in the garden Jesus was never alone, His Father was present.  

Jesus asked God if He would take away the suffering He was about to experience.  Then He gave God the authority over His life despite the intense anguish he endured knowing death and separation awaited him.  Jesus submitted to God’s plan, God’s authority; “Yet not as I will, but as You will.” (Matthew 26:39b NIV)  This is the ultimate example of acknowledging  God’s complete authority and yielding to His plan over our life and circumstances.   

Scripture records in Luke 22: 43 that an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.  It is true; God is faithful and loves us more than we realize. Even when we suffer horrifically, God will send us mercy, comfort and strength -- if we just seek Him and ask.   He has done it throughout history and I have experienced it personally in some pretty hard places.  

Today as we are in week four of COVID - 19 things are out of our control!  Aside from the impact the virus has had on our lives,  do you have people or circumstances you need to turn over to God’s authority and release from your heart?  My answer is a YES. With simpler calendars and lives we have time to reflect this question.   

Let us pray.

Dear Father God, 

Today we acknowledge Your authority over every aspect of our lives.  Where we don't have answers, we relinquish to Your authority. When things don’t seem right, we acknowledge Your authority.  Where our hearts ache, we relinquish to Your authority. We acknowledge Your rule and reign in our lives is best.  We surrender it all, one day at a time, maybe even one hour at a time.  Remind us when we start to slip away from this surrender, gently guide us back to Your path of trusting You.  Help us to keep our focus on You and our eyes on the cross of Christ. We know Your love is greater than anything we face and we are never alone.  Thank You for Your faithfulness, your guidance and Your unconditional love. Amen.  

Jesus was alone when He surrendered to the will of the Father

Jesus was alone when He surrendered to the will of the Father

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