When Trust is Elusive, What then?
“And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You”
Psalm 9:10
February in Georgia is my least favorite time of year: short days, lack of sunshine, and the weather keep me inside too often. For the past several years I have been blessed to head to warmer temperatures, spending time at the ocean's shore and breathing in the salt air.
Recently, as I approached the Atlantic Ocean, the crest of the wooden walkway kept me from viewing the waves. But I knew in twenty or so steps the shoreline would be there to greet me. And then there it was. At first glance, sand and sea suddenly washed away any burdens I had been carrying. As the waves rolled in, they soothed my spirit.
Every time I stand at the water's edge, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of God's incredible creation and His gift allowing me to be there. I can always trust that when my feet stand at the shore, God will minister to my heart and the spaces within that long for His presence. I find peace, and everything seems to slow. I find a relaxation that doesn’t exist in other places.
These past few weeks, I have shared my thoughts on suffering. Perhaps it is my age or perhaps the end of times is approaching, but it seems to be everywhere I look. People are living in intense seasons of pain--sickness, betrayal, loneliness, career, loss, and heartache. Certainty and security are being washed away, like wild waves crashing into the shore, removing signs of footprints. Trust seems to be eroding, as if being washed away or broken. During these times, what then?
Be encouraged, because there is ONE who can be trusted, no matter what we face. I have been hearing God whisper to me, and others have mentioned when we cannot trust in our circumstances, we can trust in God. God does not fail you, and you are a child of God.
It may be hard for you to trust in a God you cannot physically see or touch; however, the Bible has a lot to say about why God can be trusted. He is named the ”Lord of Heavens’ Armies.” and the Bible references God as the Lord of Heavens’ Armies 242 times in the Old Testament, according to The Lexham Bible Dictionary. The book of Malachi refers to the Lord of Heaven's Armies more than 24 times. Should we wonder if the frequent mentioning is because, when we are in a battle, we need to be reminded of God's character? This military term describes God as our mighty warrior who is fighting for us. Jehovah Sabaoth means God of the Heavens’ Armies. The “Lord of Hosts” is described by The Lexham Bible Dictionary as God’s lordship not only over the heavenly armies but also over every army, both angelic and human.
So the next time you are wondering who or what to trust, call upon the Lord of Heaven's Armies.
Would you pray this with me?
Dear Lord,
You alone are powerful over every difficult or seemingly impossible event we face. Help us not to worry; instead turn to You and lift our voices to praise You. Encourage us to audibly cry out to You as we trust in You. Your love, as evidenced by Jesus coming to earth to rescue us, is so great, really beyond our comprehension. Help us to Trust in You when we cannot trust our circumstances. For You are trustworthy and Your word is true! Amen.
If this devotion has spoken to you, I would love to hear how by leaving a comment below or emailing me tracyarntzen@gmail.com.