What Are Your Beliefs?

“That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God,

 who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.” 

1 Timothy 4:10 (NIV)

Our motivations, habits, behaviors, even how we perceive our circumstances are driven by our beliefs. What we hold as true affects our perception of others and steers our behavior. Our choices and responses are influenced by what we define as truth. Asking ourselves some important questions while pursuing God impacts how we live our lives; the answers determine our responses when difficult situations arise. Identifying our core beliefs is the first step to changing those that are negative and hold us back.

  • Do you believe God is the creator of everything?

  • Do you believe in a God who cares about you personally?

  • Is God good when difficult things happen surrounding mental health?

  • Do you trust God to be faithful despite mental health challenges?

  • Do you believe the Bible can minister to your heart and soul? 

Somewhere early in our journey, living with a loved one's mental health diagnosis, I formed a habit. I would sit in the early morning with my Bible, reading and praying. A deep passion for God’s word was rooted in my heart. My choice to pursue a deep relationship with God, regardless of my circumstances, has greatly impacted my family. I made a decision to believe God was drawing me into a sweet intimate relationship with Him. This began a deeper pursuit of my heavenly Father.  

Will you choose to believe God can use His Bible to minister to your heart, give you much needed wisdom and strengthen you?  

The trials of life can break our hearts. Our beliefs can lead us into brokenness or into deep seasons of prayer. We have a choice to turn away and avoid or turn to prayer and invite God into our circumstances. This choice leads to different paths. James 4:8 tells us “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.  I chose to pray through difficult seasons and recognized God’s presence in astounding ways. Resting in God’s Word has changed my perspective, granted wisdom and- - most of all- - allowed me to realize just how much He loves me. 

Believing God’s word and allowing God to minister to your heart is a choice.  

When difficult times come, 

standing on what you believe will have a positive impact on your life. 

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