Continue Even When

“There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise 

even when we’re hemmed in with troubles” 

(Romans 5:3a The Message )

Although I have never run a marathon, I completed the 10K Marine Corps run a few years ago. I was filled with dread and discomfort as I worked on my training to produce endurance. The pride I felt when I crossed that finish line, which is located at the sacred foot of the Marine Corps War Memorial made the training worth it.

Life disappoints and some prayers go unanswered. That reality can be discouraging. When reading Romans chapter 5 we learn troubles develop patience, patience produces endurance, endurance produces character and character produces hope. A lot of talk about producing in this text. I think this feels like training for a marathon, UGH!  The best part of the long run is when it is over, right? 

This morning while I was reading the Message translation, certain words found in Romans chapter 5 seem to come alive off the pages  -  “we continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles.” These words reminded me to continue praising God when troubles come. 

Navigating mental health challenges or supporting loved ones through them can feel like a marathon, with its sometimes grueling difficulties. Remember, progress may be gradual, but you are building resilience, growing stronger, and you are not alone. When we invite Jesus into this journey we are most likely being transformed into His image. 

Here are some truths about suffering. 

There is a God who loves us and desires to comfort us, when we allow and draw near to Him. 

We can take our difficulty of suffering to Him with praise by reading His words in the Bible, praying, or listening to praise music. We can find hope in all of these practices. 

We can choose our intentions; “continue to shout praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles.”  Recently I practiced this intention by contemplating through the book of Psalms:

Psalm 3:3 Psalm 62:11-12

Psalm 16:7-8 Psalm 66:8-10

Psalm 27:13 Psalm 91:11-12

If you find it difficult to praise God during times of suffering, 

pray and ask Him to give you a heart that desires to praise Him during times of suffering. 

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