What Difference Does Jesus Make

If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.

Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)

You may wonder why on earth I titled my web site “We Pray Through”.  If not, read on anyway and hopefully God can use these words to draw you near to HIM.  I wish I could serve you a big mug of coffee or a china cup of tea while  sitting with you in one of my favorite spots for a long deep conversation about “Praying Through”. It is the heart of everything for me in my relationship with the Lord.  

Recently I asked myself a question, what  is the most marked difference Jesus Christ has made in my life.  The initial answer was “OH MY GOODNESS,  there are so many.”  People who knew me 30 years ago would not recognize me. My entire demeanor and lifestyle have radically changed, as well as my physical appearance.  Thank the Lord I am not even the same person I was 5 years ago.  That’s God at work in my life - but that’s another conversation, well maybe.  

After pondering this question the answer became so obvious.  It is my prayer life and the effects of that are so far reaching.   My prayer life is how and where I experience God and where I learn to follow His direction for my days.  My prayer life has several layers; I pray through praise, worship with song, praying scripture, prayer books, crying out in despair, telling God  why I am angry, seeking His direction, guidance and answers.  The realization of how my prayer life has grown is such an amazing blessing.  There really aren’t words to explain, yet I could talk about this for hours.  

If you sense I am bragging a bit, yes I am!  But I am bragging about my prayer life through Jesus Christ and it’s possible only because of the cross.  Scripture instructs us to brag about Jesus, “so that, as it is written, Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord”. 1Cor 1:31


Prayer is how God allows or provides opportunity for us to recognize His presence. It is so obvious when we pray, wholeheartedly, we are able to see God at work. Since learning to pray with sincerity , I see Him at work so often. Prayer opens my eyes to His active presence in my life and the circumstances around me.


My prayer life has grown and deepened through the years and I no longer pray a long list of needs or wants. Instead I seek God during my prayer time and pray through every challenging issue life brings my way.  The more I pray about challenges the more peace and assurance I receive to get through.  

Be encouraged, the Lord hears our prayers and they get His attention.  When we commit to pray through life’s most challenging circumstances we will sense His presence, direction and peace, no matter what.  Next time worry comes knocking, be intentional to spend some real time praying through the worry.   Make a notation in a journal or your Bible about the worry because it is amazing to reflect and see how God was at work in that circumstance.