Where Faith Grows

“The earth sprouted and abundantly produced vegetation,  plants yielding seed in them, according to their kind; and God saw that it was good and He affirmed and sustained it.”

Genesis 1:12

Master gardeners sometimes use manure to improve soil. Only the proper use of this additive will benefit your plants or vegetables and a master gardener takes great care when adding manure to avoid contamination and other potential problems.  I like to think of God in terms of our “Master Gardener”.  If we look at life as a garden, can we view our trials as manure?  I am not saying God dumps manure-like trials upon us, however, if we allow trials to work in our lives and bring about good, we may just find our faith growing abundantly. 

I recall walking through a valley in our marriage, years ago  and felt stuck in manure.  During this season my faith was solid as I had been in deep Bible study for 15 years, active in our church,  had regular quiet times: praying and reading the Bible.  Not knowing what to do to shake the manure off, I prayed more often and with a greater urgency, asking God to send help my way.  This season of seeking became one I had never experienced before. 

God  used a particular song,  “Give Me Revelation” by Third Day to move me along this valley.   There were days I listened to the song 6-8 times begging God to lead me. The lyrics gave me strength to remember God would show me the way, more importantly for me to seek HIM.  I desired more than anything else to follow HIM while trying to hold my family together.  

 As I reflect back upon that season I realize God was leading me out of the valley where struggles were mixed with  tears.  

“As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; 

the autumn rains also cover it with pools.”  Psalm 84:6  (NIV)

The Valley of Baka references a barren place, which I now recognize as a place where my faith was growing. The struggles felt like manure (you may have another word for it!) but the growth and my dependence on God was the harvest at the end of that season.   

This journey through Baka is where my faith grew the most, where I felt God’s presence the strongest, and where I learned to put God above all else, especially my family. God used this journey to teach me some valuable lessons and if you allow your Valley of Baka to be a place to pass through  while  drawing close to God, you may find yourself surrounded by something beautiful; just as I have. The scripture states they passed through the valley, we are not designed to sit in the valley or manure.