How Is Your Waiting?

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” 

                                                                         Psalm 27:14 (NIV) 

Waiting may often feel like a season in the desert. It seems the bigger the prayer, the greater the need and when circumstances are completely out of our control, the more challenging a season of waiting becomes. 

I tend to note, within my Bible or devotional, dates and prayers for loved ones and friends. The next time I come across that note, I am either overjoyed of how God allowed me to see Him at work or reminded that this one may be in a season of waiting. 

God’s word is full of characters I call “Bible Waiters”. I think their stories are meant to encourage us during our own season of waiting:

Noah waited for God's timing before leaving the ark - Genesis 8:10-12

Jeremiah understood the need to wait quietly for God's salvation - Lamentations 3:25-26

Joseph of Arimathea was waiting for God's kingdom - Luke 23:51

The disciples were ordered by Jesus to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit  - Acts 1:4

Recently, while in my Bible, I came across Psalm 27:14 -”Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” (NIV). Years ago, I jotted this note- “Lord, I am waiting for Jay to feel better, emotionally.” If you were to flip through the pages of my Bibles you would find similar notes as that one, some dating back decades. God has answered that prayer and I can now see how He was working many things together, so be encouraged.

Friends, I know waiting can be heavy and sometimes lonely. Take heart, God sees you in your waiting. It is helpful to be intentional to seek and praise God in your season of waiting. We can also follow the examples of some great “Bible Waiters”:

Noah - He didn't give up while waiting, he kept sending out the dove.

Jeremiah - Quietly waiting on the Lord can be filled by reflecting on God.

Joseph - We are all waiting for God’s kingdom to come.

Disciples - God has spiritual gifts for us while waiting.

As you reflect on your current waiting or a past season of waiting, remember God sees you and hears your prayers.  I have learned that my waiting is often because God is at work in areas I cannot see. 

Will you join me, and be one who waits well while waiting on the Lord? 

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