Freedom Through Forgiveness

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13 (NIV)

This week we are surrounded by words, images and songs about freedom. The 4th of July reminds us that we have more freedom living in the United States than most people around the world. Recently I have been on a journey of forgiveness and it seems filled with fireworks. Like a firecracker, this journey has several parts to it and a fuse needed to be lit for the effect to be heard and seen.  

I found a surprising element in my forgiveness journey while I was teaching a Bible study which my friend released. It's titled "Our Father" and is a study of the Lord's prayer. I decided to offer it to the ladies at our office who gather every morning to pray and recite the Lord’s prayer. I felt this was the purpose to lead this study. As other times in my life when I sense God directing me in a certain direction; it seems He always has greater plans for me. 

It was in week five of the study where I sensed God’s love for me in a deeply impactful way.  “Forgive Us Our Sins, as We Forgive Others” was the topic we were studying. This week's lesson was part of a greater work God had begun in my life a few months prior to the start of the study. My need for forgiveness ran deep from a certain wound and it seemed everywhere I turned God was putting the topic of forgiveness right in front of me. Isn’t that so much like God?

Something profound came across so clearly. God showed me the messages of forgiveness I received from my family of origin needed to be rewritten. It was time to welcome the truth of God’s plan for forgiveness, understand forgiveness through His spiritual lens and take emotional healthy steps forward. By doing so, FREEDOM is what I would experience. I am celebrating a newfound freedom and I am sure the lesson the Lord has taught me will have a great impact on the life remaining for me. 

Forgive and love are both verbs that require a lot of work to be the real thing; as modern Christians, we've gotten used to the words without thinking about the work behind them. It takes intentionality, and the deeper the offense, the longer the process may take. Forgiveness has morphed into something all-consuming during this current season of mine. God has gently and lovingly guided me along this life altering forgiveness journey. I plan to share more with you friends in the coming months about forgiveness and would love to hear from you if you desire to learn more about forgiveness.   

Some things in life are so painful that you may not know where to even begin to forgive someone. When mental illness is part of your family or a friendship, forgiveness may be part of that story. If  you relate to either of these, friends, and are unsure how to light the fuse of forgiveness, begin with asking God to help you.

Dear Father, you have forgiven me of much and it cost Christ more than I can imagine. The forgiveness I offer others and seek from others must flow from the love You have for me.  Thank you Jesus for believing I was worthy of Your forgiveness. Help me to learn to forgive others more quickly, more lovingly and continue to show me Your truths on forgiveness.  Amen

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