God Sees Us

Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

                                                     (1 Kings 19:13b) NIV

A few weeks ago I was greatly burdened by a family situation and in the few days that followed I was exhausted by it. Those feelings of loneliness and discouragement began to surface and attempted to settle within my heart. I expressed a simple prayer, “Oh Lord, will you minister to my heart?” 

Loneliness and discouragement seem to be our companions when life gets really hard. Some people withdraw and isolate themselves while others don’t want to burden anyone with their troubles, so they remain silent. Maybe that difficult situation or season is so intense that not much can be said or done by a friend or family member to take away the fear, hurt or complexity of the situation. But God sees us in these times and He is near to minister to the ache within our hearts. Let’s remember God is faithful. 

The great prophet Elijah knew loneliness, discouragement and complete hopelessness. His job description was to confront evil, which without God’s constant protection would have cost his life. He often was running from those trying to kill him. I suspect he had very few friends and laughter was unfamiliar to him. He was despised and even hated by many. But God pursued Elijah and ministered to him when he wasn't even asking. The account told in 1 Kings 19 shows us God’s power and desire to minister to us during hard times. Through a powerful wind, earthquake, fire and then a gentle whisper God reminded Elijah he wasn't the only one who wouldn't bow down to Baal.  In fact there were seven thousand in Israel standing for the Lord. When you feel completely alone, seven thousand is a BIG number. 

This is a great story to encourage and remind us He cares greatly for us and He shows us that in practical ways.  Like Elijah, God knows when we need His encouragement  most. 

Take a few moments to read the short 19th chapter of Kings.  Then ask God to minister to you in that circumstance that seems hardest today. Oh, by the way God, ministered to me in a few amazing ways that day a few weeks ago. Remember, He Sees US!

Dear Lord,

We praise you and we're grateful for the ways that you reveal yourself to us especially when we're discouraged. We hold onto the fact that you see us and minister to us in times that are difficult. Open the eyes of each person reading this so that they see the next time you minister to them by the way of a kind word spoken, Your gentle whisper, a note received by mail, or just the realization of Your presence. Amen.

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